Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10/30/14 Smallish Post

Being in the technology field, it is imperative to be open to change; technology advances daily. This post was inspired by the comment by our guest speaker, Daryl C. Dougal, who mentioned the FBI altering their jurisdiction to include cyber crime. As a future worker in the technology industry, I want to be able to say that I am confident that my company's system is secure; in order to make this possible I need to not only learn well in my courses but continuously update my education as technology changes. This is a concept that is rare for employees to act on; having to constantly keep up to date on new technology can be exhausting--especially when it is not something that the company will cover. However, it would give leverage to companies that take advantage of this knowledge and provide their employees with regular technology training. Overall, it makes an invaluable worker of the one who takes pride in updating his education, and a possible security risk of the one who does not.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was interesting to point out that developers should keep up to date on technologies which may not be directly relevant to the company they work for. This is true, because the company may not be using that specific technology but it could benefit from learning the way that technology works.
