Thursday, November 13, 2014

11/20/14 Smallish Post 6

A major factor that tends to encourage women to computer science, according to Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing, is to connect programming to other fields. I found this section particularly interesting considering it is actually one of the reasons I continued in computer science. Programming is now such a versatile skill that it can be used in almost any field. I personally am planning on being an analyst instead of a developer with my future career. This summer I completed an IT analyst internship at General Mills in Minneapolis and I found it an appealing use of my knowledge of programming without actually programming all day. In the book, it was discussed that women are often discouraged from computer science because they feel they will just sit in a cubicle alone all day coding without human interaction. Since the numbers for women in computer science are declining, I believe the best method to remedy this is to focus on what can be accomplished by computing and what opportunities in other fields come as a result of computer science degree.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11/13 Book Post 2

The book I selected for the second book assignment is called "Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing." This choice was inspired by our guest speaker who discussed women in computer science. It focuses around why women leave computer science and the attributes of those who stay. The topic that stuck most with me regards the drastic changes of women who leave computer science between one semester to the next. It shares the story of a woman with a 4.0 GPA who quit computer science after two semesters because she felt others in her classes caught onto the material faster than she did so she must not belong. The studies in the book show that women and men often perform the same in classes, however it is the student's self perception that is the determining factor in persistence with computer science. Statistically, the women in computer science classes feel less confident in their abilities than the men, and when they feel uncomfortable in the major they are much less likely to continue.

Monday, November 10, 2014

11/11 Smallish Post 5

The Revolution OS video referenced a letter Bill Gates wrote in 1976, titled "An Open Letter to Hobbyists." This letter is a result of the frustration Gates and his coworkers felt after spending a massive amount of money and time on creating software just to have it stolen by hobbyists who would rather trade software than buy it individually. The most powerful statement in the letter is that "One thing you don't do by stealing software is get back at MITS for some problem you may have had. MITS doesn't make money selling software. The royalty paid to us, the manual, the tape and the overhead make it a break-even operation. One thing you do do is prevent good software from being written." This letter is well written but I do not think it accomplished its goal. Piracy and software stealing is a threat to the industry because, as Gates states, good software will not come if the programmer believes he will get less than a tenth of what he deserves. Though nearly 40 years old, this is still a relevant letter that we have to address to successfully advance technology.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11/04/14 Smallish Post 4

Unintended internet fame can be a severe threat to privacy; in a mere 12 hours in November of 2014, a regular high school student from Texas, named Alex, became internet famous; he happened to be working at a Target where a teenage girl snuck a picture of him. She then posted the picture of him on Twitter and after less than a day of that original post, he has since gained over half a million "followers" on Twitter, thousands of fake accounts claiming to be him have been created, he is being tweeted by celebrities, and his girlfriend is now receiving death threats from girls who want to date Alex. This situation may seem comical to some, but it imposes a severe threat on privacy. This internet famous star did not choose fame but it was pushed on him by a local girl who posted his picture without his consent. Now, his social media pictures are distributed everywhere, his friends and family (and girlfriend) are having privacy violations and threats.